Montenegro landscapes, climate, fauna and flora are of inestimable economic value. To ensure the present and future success of the tourism sector, these resources need to be preserved.


Montenegro landscapes, climate, fauna and flora are of inestimable economic value . To ensure the present and future success of the tourism sector, these resources need to be preserved.

Beauty of natural and urban landscapes are the main criteria of a high quality destination.
Outreach activities focused on preserving nature, will be one of Action Partners International mission. To raise quality of tourism is the first step. As shown by various examples, in particular in the Mediterranean, natural resources may only be protected through high quality tourism.
Bigger goal to achieve will be improving the awareness among population and local operators that respecting and preserving the existing conditions of their natural, urban and cultural setting, is a mandatory attitude to ensure long-term benefits from tourism.

Supporting territory preservation is a way of promoting several other environmental goals at once. In this field, Action Partners International will:

  • Organize meetings, special events, eco events to raise awareness among the local communities and tourist.
  • Support different no profit organizations working on environment preservation.